Okay, this is a new feeling. Being excited for school? What the heck?
I have never been excited for school... ever. I'm the extremely lazy type who hardly ever gets up before noon. But this year seems different. I'm excited to be productive again. I'm excited for everyone to come back to GR and excited to finally see them again. I'm excited for basketball. I'm excited to be grown up and get my own apartment (hopefully). I'm excited for my best friend to come back to GR so I can see her errrday. I'm excited to parrrrrtayyyy.. Let's get real. I'm excited to be in almost every class with my bffaeaeae. You get the picture, I'm just real excited.
I have a feeling this excitment will be a good thing and hopefully gets me motivated to get dat 4.0. We'll just have to see. SOOO PUMPED.
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