March 9, 2011

Eff tha Police.

Bad news.

I got pulled over for the first time on Monday. I'll admit, I was speeding a little bit. I was going to Flint to see my best fraaand for the first time in a reallly long time so I was in a hurry to get there. Obviously. So my stomach and heart dropped and I was scared out of my mind. (My sister has gotten pulled over 4 times and has yet to get a ticket might I add.. So I didn't know what to expect) So the cop came out of the car, was walking to my car, got to my window, and it was a chick cop. A friggen chick cop. Pretty sure that's why I got a ticket and not a warning, like my lucky sister has every time. She's had guy cops everytime and has only gotten warnings. Then a chick pulls me over with a squeaky clean record and no warning for me. Nope, I get a ticket.

joke, i wasn't going that fast.
Yay for having to go 40 minutes away to pay the ticket, yay for higher insurance rates, yay for disappointing my parents, yay for chick cops. Psychhhhhh. Pretty sure she saw the Yankee's sticker on my car and pulled me right over.
Curse you female chick cop Red Sox fan.

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